Magformers My First Magformers – 30 Piece Set


My First Magformers – 30



SKU: 7603 Category: Tag:


The My First Sets are specially designed for younger children.

The pieces are the same size as the standard pieces, so the My First sets are compatible with every other Magformers Set.

The difference is in the colour scheme.

My First pieces come in a vivid crayon (solid) colour scheme which are more attractive for younger children than the transparent colour pieces that are found in the standard sets.

The My First 30 Set contains 12 triangles and 18 squares, as well as a beautifully printed book teaching children to match colours and shapes, and to learn the names of simple objects.

The Set also contains numerous cards of different things that can be built with pieces in the set.

A great gift and a great set to get younger children started with this wonderful learning toy that will grow with them throughout years to come.

Recommended age: 18 months +

View Product Video to learn how to explore using Magformers – My First Magformers 30 Piece Set . . .